Klinik For Fodterapi I/S
Company information
General status:
Company title:
Klinik For Fodterapi I/S
Company code:
Officers of the company:
Company addresses:
Company phone:
Registration date:
- 2012.12.10
- 2007.07.02
- 2011.09.15
- 2012.01.01
- 2003.07.01
- 2004.02.02
- 1999.03.01
- 2010.06.30
- 2011.04.01
Company type:
- Interessentskab
Alternative company codes:
- 30629353
- 33831641
- 33994877
- 27180523
- 27020569
- 12974000
- 32910882
- 33535317
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